Acceleration for Every Student

We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to thrive - whether they seek to catch up, stay on track, or simply chart their own path.​ When you pair our comprehensive, research-backed learning acceleration solutions with empowered and supported educators, you can change the direction of students’ lives.

Impacting schools and communities around the globe

Educators using Edmentum products
Students supported with Edmentum solutions
Public school districts served in the U.S.
Countries where Edmentum products & services are used
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Your partner for educator and student success

At Edmentum, we believe that strong relationships are the key to success – for teachers, students, and the institutions with which we partner. We embrace an educator first mentality, with results that demonstrate shared success in making a positive impact on students.

“I think Edmentum is a great partner… assessment aligned with professional learning, aligned with the educator. It is the game changer in K-12 education.”

Dr. Jesus Jara, Superintendent
Clark County School District, Nevada
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Edmentum Career Brings CTE to All Students

Together, let's take CTE from the margins to the mainstream. Our end-to-end solution brings together an interest survey, middle school exploration, 57 high-demand high school pathways, and capstone experiences so that students don't just graduate, they thrive.

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Interventions for every student

Providing personalized learning journeys for each student is the key to any intervention solution. Our data-driven solutions help K-12 educators provide student support based on unique learning challenges, such as knowledge gaps, concept mastery, and credit recovery.

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Evidence-based research showing positive outcomes

Rigorous, ongoing research and evidence-based practices show how impactful our learning solutions are to student success. With more than 12,000 state and agency approvals and ratings that meet ESSA evidence of effectiveness, our learning design principles deliver solutions that improve student outcomes.